
Juke User Guide

Welcome to the Juke Chatbot User Guide!
Juke is an extremely convenient personal task tracker.
It is suited for fast typists, with commands input via a Command line Interface (CLI), with the added visual benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 installed on your computer.
  2. Download the latest version from here
  3. Copy the downloaded file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for Duke.
  4. Double click the file to start the app.
  5. Type commands in the text field at the bottom and click the Send button to execute. The list of commands can be found in the feature list below.


Parameters in square brackets, e.g. [/date DATE] are optional parameters.
Parameters without square brackets are required.

todo - Adding a Todo task.

Adds a Todo task to list of current tasks.


Example of usage: todo Boil eggs

Expected outcome: Boil eggs Todo added.

event - Adding an Event task.

Adds an Event task to list of current tasks, with an Event date (YYYY-MM-DD).


Example of usage: event NUS Computing Day /at 2020-09-06

Expected outcome: NUS Computing Day on Sep 6 2020 Event added.

deadline - Adding a Deadline task.

Adds a Deadline task to list of current tasks, with a Deadline date (YYYY-MM-DD).


Example of usage: deadline CS2103T Homework /by 2020-09-15

Expected outcome: CS2103T Homework by Sep 15 2020 Deadline added.

list - Listing all tasks.

Shows a list of all tasks.

Format: list

find - Finding a task.

Finds all the tasks that contains the given keyword in Task Description.

Format: find KEYWORD

Example of usage: find eggs

Expected outcome: All tasks containing keyword eggs.

done - Marking a task as done.

Marks a task from list of tasks with given list index of task, as done.
Index has to be a positive integer.

Format: done INDEX

Example of usage: done 4

Expected outcome: Task at list index 4 marked as done.

delete - Deleting a task.

Deletes a task from list of tasks with given list index of task.
Index has to be a positive integer.

Format: delete INDEX

Example of usage: delete 4

Expected outcome: Task at list index 4 deleted.

update - Updates a task.

Updates a task from list of tasks with given list index of task.
Index has to be a positive integer.
Can update task description, or date, or both.

Format: update /number INDEX [/description DESCRIPTION] [/date DATE]

Example of usage: update /number 2 /description eat eggs /date 2020-04-19

Expected outcome: Task at list index 4 has description updated to eat eggs and date updated to Apr 19 2020

bye - Stopping chatbot.

Saves all tasks to disk and stops chatbot.

Format: bye

Command Summary

Action Format Example
Todo todo TASK_DESCRIPTION todo Boil eggs
Event event TASK_DESCRIPTION /at EVENT_DATE event NUS Computing Day /at 2020-09-06
Deadline deadline TASK_DESCRIPTION /by DEADLINE_DATE deadline CS2103T Homework /by 2020-09-15
list list list
find find KEYWORD find pasta
done done INDEX done 3
delete delete INDEX delete 1
update update /number INDEX [/description DESCRIPTION] [/date DATE] update /number 2 /description eat eggs /date 2020-04-19
bye bye bye